Monday, October 18, 2010


Music is therapeutic but it is also inspirational. When times are hard and when times are swell music will always be there. Sometimes artists go into dry spells that range from weeks to months and when I go into a spell I look for inspiration in music.  My favorite group is Atmosphere! I can always count on them to bring me up from my lows and higher from my highs.  I’m even listening to them at this very moment.  I am just so inspired! Atmosphere sets the mood for me at all the times and at anytime. There is something about Atmosphere that inspires me.  It could be the easy listening style of music produced by Ant (Atmosphere) or it could be because Slug (Atmosphere) is a lyrical genius.  I mean c’mon Slug is my favorite rapper. This dynamic duo spits fire so hot that even I catch on. When I’m creating, designing, or dappling in the arts either Atmosphere or the beauty of silence or even the sounds of nature rock my playlists.  Correct me if I’m wrong but I say a good amount of people listen to music when they are creating. Not just musical artists but sound. I count sound as music because I’m just a noisy person and all sounds inspire me.  Subconsciously, when listening to music you might feel your hand moving and working with the music.  Two arts coming together and collaborating now fancy that! If you are feeling uninspired try looking for inspiration in music. Next time you are listening to music try and recreate someone’s verbal art into visual art with your own spin on it.

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