Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stone Soup

If you were thinking Ke$ha (musical artist) had come to Davis and thrown up on a box you were wrong.  Earlier this week in design class our teacher wanted us to participate in a group activity called stone soup. The purpose of this activity was to get a group of people to come together and create something out of a few items donated by each person.  As the class marched outside, the group I’m in got together and in an almost cult fashion we dumped our contributions on the ground that lay before us.  Fortunately, we have a diverse group of male and female designers and I think because of this we were able to bring a wide variety of objects. Personally, I contributed cardboard boxes, which happened to be the base of our creation.  The materials we had ranged from moss to colored tissue paper. Out of all of the other groups I think our group can grab the title: most colorful. Being the clever person I am, I call our creation: clutterful. This self -proclaimed title is ironic because we were outside and there was plenty of space we could have utilized.  I imagine that if you were to walk by, seeing the design community at its best would inspire you.  Within our group, watching my fellow designers make things and then collaborate with everyone else’s mini creations was an accomplishment within itself. I didn’t think all of our ideas were going to mesh well. I was obviously wrong because our creation turned out unique. I found it amusing when other groups made human like creations because in reading Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud, McCloud asserts how we as a race are very self-centered and how we see ourselves in pretty much everything.  Here’s some food for thought: How self-centered are you?

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